
Showing posts from January, 2024

Reinstate Paul Fox

Booted out of BWY! By Paul Fox Some of you may be surprised to learn that I have been expelled from the British Wheel of Yoga “in the best interests of the charity”, after serving BWY as a volunteer for over 20 years (including as Chair) and training over 200 BWY teachers. Since this happened in September 2022, I have been seeking to overturn what I consider to be an unjust and unfair decision but have now reached the point where I am waiving my right to anonymity and going public with what has happened. This decision has not been taken lightly. However, until the decision to expel me is reversed and I am reinstated as a BWY member I live under a cloud that at any time someone could post online or elsewhere that I was kicked out of the British Wheel of Yoga for misconduct while Chair. Those who know me personally and professionally understand my commitment to honesty and integrity. I refute the claim that I broke the Trustees code of conduct and set out here exactly what happen