The Death of BWY Democracy

Democracy died in the British Wheel of Yoga at the AGM on Thursday 9th May 2024. BWY members voted by a clear majority (58%) in favour of the organisation appointing an independent mediator to review the decision to expel me in September 2022 – but their wishes were dismissed. The proposer of the motion was not even invited to speak – unprecedented and unheard of in any democratic organisation.
Despite spreading misinformation and trying to smear my character in its communications to 5,000 members, the National Executive Committee saw the motion to appoint an independent mediator pass by 186 votes to 132. However, the Chief Executive of BWY immediately rejected the vote, literally moments after the result was announced. You would expect the NEC to reflect on the vote and discuss the matter at a meeting of Trustees. But that didn’t happen. Instead, they demonstrated that they had made their minds up beforehand and were already determined to ignore the vote and the views of BWY members.
There is only one plausible explanation for this appalling and undemocratic behaviour; they know they are in the wrong and would likely face severe criticism from an independent mediator. After all, how would they explain taking four-and-a-half years to investigate complaints against me? How would they explain my expulsion given that I was informed in January 2021 that all the substantive complaints against me had been “concluded and not upheld”? How would they explain their decision to secretly reinvestigate me without informing me, or allowing me to submit any evidence in my defence, prior to the NEC deciding that I should be kicked out of BWY? And how would they defend their finding that I failed to declare a conflict of interest when it was me who called myself out as having the COI in question and sought advice from BWY staff and Trustees on how to manage it?
BWY presided over an unfair, mismanaged and improper investigation into my conduct over 4-and-a-half years, and failed to gather sufficient evidence to justify my expulsion. It’s not just my view but the conclusion of an independent charity support organisation that examined BWY’s decision.
This amounts to a compelling case for the decision to expel me to be reviewed by an independent mediator. That is why my supporters put forward and won the resolution vote at the AGM. And really, is that too much to ask? Does the NEC think it never makes mistakes and is above the laws of natural justice? It seems to me that the NEC is so afraid of the possible outcome (my reinstatement as a member) that it prefers to reject the democratic will of BWY members to avoid scrutiny and openness.
Already, BWY is trying to spin a narrative that 96% of BWY members did not vote for the independent mediator. But neither did 93% vote for the current NEC Chair to be elected at the same meeting. A low turnout is common at AGMs. The vote on mediation was won with a clear majority.
They are also citing cost, when it would be perfectly possible to find a retired judge or lawyer via Volunteer Now and carry out the review without any significant cost at all.
I am not fighting this battle just for myself, although my professional reputation, career, and personal health have been severely harmed by this saga. BWY relies on volunteers, and if they can be pursued for years and in secret and denied the opportunity to defend themselves, then what happened to me could happen to them as well.
I would like BWY members and the wider yoga community to show solidarity with me and compel the NEC to abide by the democratic will of BWY members. So, I’m asking, what action would you be prepared to take? Please let me know by email (paulfoxashtanga @ or by clicking this link and filling in this online form: and I will respond.
Some options for direct action might include: -
• BWY volunteers refuse to continue with their role until the vote is respected and the decision to appoint a mediator taken.
• Members could contact BWY and suspend their membership of the organisation pending mediation.
• Tutors and yoga practitioners in the wider yoga community could boycott BWY events and cease working with BWY until this matter is resolved.
If there is enough support, we will begin solidarity action from the 1st June.
Many thanks
Paul Fox
May 20th, 2024



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